The Solo practice

take the leap!

you want to make the jump to solo practice
but you don’t know where to start. I can help!

Your group practice is great but you are considering going out on your own. It feels time to make your own space, more money and the freedom to do what is best for you. But where to start? It takes time and money but it seems you are at a loss of what to do. It feels like a distant dream or some future goal, unattainable at times.

But it is possible! Victoria knows what it takes and has a knack for training others to do so. With her encouraging and informative style she can coach you through the process. You won’t have to do it alone and can feel empowered to take the leap! With over 7 years in private practice and 1 year as a group practice owner she knows the ins and outs of private practice.

But why? Some could say “you own a group practice and yet want to help people leave group practices"?” Some could say that isn’t the best for business. Yet, I have found time and time again that supporting people to find exactly where they fit in this industry is paramount to developing good therapists, and good therapists really help clients well and in turn help society with our mental health epidemic. I want people to find where they fit the best and if that is in solo practice then great! That could even mean some of my therapists leave for solo practice. I believe wholeheartedly in helping people thrive and I can’t do this if I am only looking out for myself.

So if you are considering taking the leap, reach out today!

Our first session can focus on helping you decide what is next!


7 years in private practice

Owner of a group practice

2 years in inpatient hospital

we will cover topics of:

  • Is solo practice right for you?

  • Financial preparation

  • Marketing and networking

  • Small business set up

  • Setting up a space

  • Leaving group practice well

The Solo Practice Consultation:
$100 per hour session


The Solo Practice Course
Learn more about if solo practice is right for you and the tools to do so!