teen therapy

has your teen felt distant from you?

at every turn are you arguing and battling with them?


counseling might help.

The stress and pressure that teens face today has increased depression, suicidal ideation and anxiety in the past decade. Teens in Atlanta struggle with mental health issues at an alarming rate and often need more support than just friends and family. It’s hard to know if your teen is experiencing depression, anxiety or just struggling to navigate the pressures that they feel in their teens years.


Your teen may have started to be distant from you or the family. Her grades may have started to fall. He is beginning to stay in his room more often. Your teen might be reacting irrationally to a basic ask of cleaning her room. It has left you feeling like you are going crazy and confused at how best to help them. Everything you have tried is not working and you feel stuck.


Parents are often left overwhelmed by the ways in which to support teens when they are struggling. From mounting schoolwork, pressure from others to succeed, planning for their future and navigating social relationships, teens are feeling exhausted and parents are feeling helpless.


how I work with them

Counseling for teens can be so helpful to provide the support and skill building they need to navigate the ever-changing environment a teen may experience. My goal in counseling teens in Atlanta is to align with the teen and their parents to provide a trusting, empathetic environment for the teen to grow as well as better relate to their caregivers. As a marriage and family therapists, I know struggles are often within the family system which need to be addressed for a teen to truly heal and grow. Family counseling may be an integral part to the growth and healing of a teen in the therapy process. As your therapist, I will guide you through this process and educate you on what would be the best approach for your teen.

Throughout counseling your therapist may see the teen individually, with the parents or caregivers or with the whole family.
each teen is different so counseling will be tailored to them.

i work with teen issues such as:

Peer pressure, disconnection, loneliness, relationship issues, mental health, trauma, abuse, extreme emotions, conflict with caregivers, depression, anxiety, self-esteem, low grades, suicide thoughts

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