teachers counseling

are you unsure about how to care for your students and yourself well?

are you sinking by all the expectations from your students and school?


relief is possible.

You believe you have been called to be a teacher. You have a heart to help your students succeed and find deep fulfillment when that lightbulb comes on for your students. Yet, you feel inundated by the stress and demands of the job. Your boss has so many expectations on top of lesson planning and extra curriculars, let alone taking care of your personal life. It’s not an option to quit but some days you just want to give up and do something else.

I am here to support you

You don’t have to do it alone. I am passionate about supporting teachers as they raise the next generation. Teachers are so important to society and it’s not just the work they do but their health as well. It’s hard to help students when you feel stressed, burnt out and overwhelmed. In therapy for teachers in Atlanta, I provide a safe place for each teacher to find the rest and calm they need. I am here to help them get back to feeling fulfilled in their job and personal life. I help teachers better understand themselves and what would be the best tools and strategies for self care. I want to walk with you while you continue to love and serve your students!

teachers don’t have to do it alone.
I am here to support you.

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