missionary care counseling

are you back from the field to get some extra support or healing?

are you struggling with transitioning back to the states?


missionaries deserve mental health support too.

You may have been sent home by your organization for a mental health issue. Maybe you are not sure where to turn because your organization or church is not equipped to help, and you feel alone. You might feel overwhelmed by the mission work you once loved but not sure what happened. Maybe you are experiencing struggles in your marriage or family.

 Counseling can help. I have had experience overseas in over 20 different countries. I know what it is like to come back home and feel lost. I know what it is like to be away from your home country and be stretched and grow as you serve God. I have a heart to serve missionaries and their mental health needs. I believe the mental health of missionaries matter just as much as those in the church of America. Whether it is communication skills, trauma, transition issues or burn out, I am here to provide an empathetic place to support and guide each missionary to health! Reach out to begin counseling in Atlanta today!

what if I cannot afford therapy?

The pressures of finances can be a big struggle for missionaries. Often seeing a therapist can feel like another expense to invest into among all the others. I work with clients of many different economic status’ and have various ways you can obtain support to pay for therapy as a missionary. From scholarships to sliding fee scale, there are so many resources I can help offer you for therapy in Atlanta. I am happy to help assist missionaries in coming to therapy please reach out for more information.


what if I am overseas?

Depending on the country you are in, I can provide teletherapy for missionaries. However, once in the states I can only see clients who are located in Georgia at the time of our appointment. At this time, I am unable to see clients in a different state than Georgia.


Are you looking for mental health training
or assessments for missionaries?

Along with therapy, I have offered assessments for participants on the mission field when a mental health issue is apparent. I also have developed and conducted mental health training and policies for missions organizations. I am happy to help meet the needs of a church or organization for mental health in anyway, reach out today!

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