individual counseling

can’t seem to get through that hurdle by yourself?

do you need someone to help offer a fresh perspective?


I am here to help.

It can get tiring going through life alone. When you feel like all your problems are overwhelming and you don’t know where to turn. Friends and family are supportive, but you know they can only help so much. Your life overall is pretty good but there is just that one thing that you can’t seem to work through.


Maybe you can’t seem to shake that sinking feeling no matter how hard you tried. It’s hard to get out of bed in the morning. Work just feels more stressful lately. You’re not sure that relationship is for you. You may have lost someone you love. You may have experienced the biggest transition. Your may feel lost and alone.


My hope is that I can provide a warm empathetic environment to process some areas of your life that are hard to talk about. When you feel like you have nowhere to turn, I hope to provide the support you need to keep going. I can help you better relate to themselves and others in new ways by gaining more awareness of what is going on. Often times some don’t know what the best way to cope and I hope to help people discover that and heal the deeper hurts. I hope to assist you in this journey through individual therapy in Atlanta.

issues you might address in individual counseling:

anxiety, trauma, depression, transitions, singleness, cross cultural work, boundaries, family wounds, stress, grief, relationship with God, suicide thoughts

learn more about individual counseling issues