emdr & trauma

have you tried years of counseling yet still your trauma has a hold?

do you feel stuck in that one belief about yourself?


emdr can help.

What is emdr?

EMDR is Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing. It is a intervention used commonly with trauma but can be used for a variety of other issues. While we are in deep sleep we experience REM (Rapid Eye Movement) which is our brain consolidating and processing the events for the day. EMDR uses those eye movements, or bilateral stimulations, to reprocess the traumas we have experienced so the effects on our physical and mental health are reduced.


What is a trauma?

  A trauma is any event that a person experiences that is hard to work through or gets stuck in. We all experience trauma to one degree or another. There are “Big T” traumas which are events such as rape, childhood physical, emotional or sexual abuse, natural disasters, car accidents, first responders, military or domestic violence. There are also “little t” traumas which are things such as divorce, loss of a loved one or bullying.

how do I know if EMDR is right for me?

Do you feel like you have been trying to work through that one issue but seem to be stuck? Do you know the truth about yourself but yet seem to have an emotional reaction every time you get triggered? Do you have a certain belief about yourself that you can’t seem to work through? Have you experienced a trauma but aren’t sure how it is affecting you? If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, EMDR might be for you.

schedule a consultation for EMDR in Atlanta to see if it would be the right fit

learn more about other counseling services