anxiety counseling

are you struggling with increased anxiety or worry?

have you started getting physical symptoms, only to find it connected to your thoughts?


you can find relief.

You may have tried to work on your anxiety. You may have even seen your doctor to address that heaviness in your chest, shortness of breath or lack of focus and motivation. You worry but sometimes that worry increases so much where you don’t know where to turn.

Anxiety has increased exponentially in the last decade. Generations are becoming more and more anxious. And it makes sense, the stressors of the world, social media, economic situations and relationships are never ending.

You don’t have to struggle alone!

By seeking counseling for your anxiety, you can be on your way to relief. Counseling for anxiety in Atlanta looks like addressing your fears that are lying underneath so you can heal and grow. In providing a safe, empathic place to heal and grow you can learn to better understand yourself and your anxiety. Through that understanding you can develop a relationship with your anxiety to reduce it.

I utilize various counseling skills to address anxiety such as EMDR, thought stopping, self-awareness, emotional processing, deep breathing and stress management.

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