relationship & marriage counseling

are you fighting and arguing so much lately?

has there been a breach of trust that has been hard to rebuild?

are you wanting to improve or rekindle that safe connection in your relationship?

Marriage counseling

Whether you have been married for a year or 20 years, sometimes couples get stuck in a pattern that is hard to get out. It can feel exhausting and defeating, you may have even found your self contemplating if you made the right decision to marry. It can be hard to maintain that close connection when all you do is fight. Your relationship use to be close and feel like a safe place but you aren’t sure how to get back there.

Through couples therapy in Atlanta, you can rekindle the closeness you once had that was lost, or heal the pain that has been scratched raw.

By better understand yourself and your spouse you can learn to connect again but on a deeper level. Learning to navigate conflict and communicate is just the beginning to a secure, lasting relationship. A healthy relationship is possible, just like you always wanted. Through tools to strengthen your marriage you can begin to navigate those hardships. At the end of your journey the goals is to find healing and growth to maintain a healthy marriage.


Dating can be a tricky time. There comes a point in every relationship in which the excitement of dating can wear off and the reality of the dating dynamics can get hard. You may be feeling confused why one of you is ready to move forward and the other is not. You don’t want to leave the relationship but not sure where to go from here.

Through utilizing various tools and interventions, each couple can connect and navigate through their relationship. You can begin to understand what is going on underneath their issues that is preventing you from moving forward. Whether it is deciding to move towards marriage or disagreements that keep popping up, counseling for dating couples in Atlanta can be helpful for your relationship. Therapy can help each each client make the decision about whether to move forward.

Seeking counseling before further commitment, can develop a healthy foundation for your relationship for years to come.

Premarital Counseling

Congrats! You have made the decision to get married. It is an exciting time but also can be nerve racking as you move forward. Premarital counseling in Atlanta is a great way for you to discuss your dynamics and help you gain insights into your relationship as well as manage wedding planning stress.

Premarital counseling can help you with the skills and awareness to better support each other as you move forward.

Counseling consists of 6-8 sessions to cover a variety of topics. The Prepare Enrich assessment, which is a widely researched assessment tool for couples, gives insight into your strength and growth areas of your relationship. The assessment is $35 and comes with a workbook of helpful tools for in and out of sessions. Topics that can be covered include communication, conflict, sex, parenting, expectations, spiritual beliefs, finances, and leisure activities.


is your significant other not able or willing to come to therapy?

Maybe they don’t feel the need or want to come. As frustrating as that might be, counseling can still help. Individual therapy can help you grow in their relationship by seeking that growth in yourself. Often when one person in a relationship grows it can have positive effects on the relationship as a whole. Reach out today for individual therapy in Atlanta or learn more about other individual issues at the buttons below!

we might address various areas in couples therapy such as:

communication, conflict, infidelity, anxiety, finances, expectations, breaches of trust, emotional connection, Christian values, parenting


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